When the iPod shuffle was first launched on an expectant UK public the response was a muted one. Yes one could now own an iPod for £100 but it seemed that all the nice bits had been snipped from the features list, the main absentee being any form of screen. So news of the new iPod shuffle has once again had all of us wondering what would turn up from the states ready for our review.
Opening the funky packaging reveals that rather unsurprisingly the iPod shuffle still lacks any form of screen. In fact apart from the form factor very little else has changed and that is brave move given that the micro MP3 player market has boomed in the last 20 months or so. You can now get a small 1gb MP3 player from any number of manufacturers that will have and FM radio, small screens (some are even OLED colour) and wider format compatibility. However Apple has seen fit to stick with basic playback of MP3, WAV and ACC files and basic USB storage, no screen, no FM radio, in fact one might argue no change.