- The publishing industry is under a dark cloud as the sales are going down and the profits are dwindling year after year. Is ithis because the people are loosing interest in reading. The fact is that people are shifting from manual books to e-books and kindles.
- According to Amazon, people owning kindles have bought e-books 3.5 times more as compared to before.This clearly shows that there is a shift from manual books to electronic formats.
- According to Sony, the maker of Reader family devices, its customers on an average download 8 books in a month from its online library as compared to 6 manual books bought by a customer in 2008, clearly showing that reading habits of the people are on an increase.
- The e-readers market has also a new competitor, the Nook intrroduced by Barnes & Noble priced at $259.
- The owners of Kindles are likely to shift all their book purchases to Amazon/
- The Kindle and the Sony Reader with the convenience it offers tend to read more. It also facikitates carrying of multiple books. With these reading devices one can read at one's concenience while having supper or dinner orr or while travelling or while waiting at the station or just before bed time.

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