This futuristic gadget will make one of your pictures float inside a magnetic field. It sounds unbelievable, at first we didn't believe it ourselves. This electromagnetic photo frame holds your picture in the air. A built-in magnetic field sensor, located on the top, has a microprocessor calculating the distance between the floating picture and the frame. Because of these calculations, the picture always stays in the air because the microprocessor adjusts the magnetic field when needed. It is capable of holding up to two pictures in oval shape and it measures 4.88 x 3.27 inches. Because the pictures float in the air, they react to even the smallest breeze. That's why the picture will keep on rotating - which is a good thing as you can enjoy both pictures that way. This gadget has built-in LEDs, which will add a nice effect to the entire magnetic thing. This magnetic frame can be yours for 44,95 Euros.

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