The LG Cookie KP500 is selling for around Rs.12,500 with a one-year warranty. The phone is a decent buy considering its main feature i.e. is a full-touch handset. If you look at it as a phone or a convergence device the Cookie isn't so sweet. It has a slow interface and lacks performance of most features that a phone at its price point would provide. I liked the phone for what it tries to achieve but won t recommend it for a demanding user.
If you really want a touch phone then I suggest you invest another 2-3K and pick the HTC Touch Viva or still better without extending your budget too far you can pick the Sony Ericsson G700. These phones have better features to offer other than the whole touch touch hype that you are after. Thanks to the iphone craze.

Oh wow that's a best offer one can give on a phone like this
it should get a good demand and opening in the market
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