- It was Sunday evening during the hot summer .I received a message from my aunt in Spain that she has suffered an accident and she lost her legs . She was compelled to take a help of a wheel-chair.I was really worried how she was going to adjust to her new life.
- I was informed by her son that she had well adopted to the life on a wheel chair . He also informed me that her wheel chair is something unique. The wheel chair is controlled by her mind. I was really astonished to hear this.
- The wheel chair uses a laser scanner to create a three-dimensional picture on a screen in front of the user. The user then concentrates on the part of the display where they want to go and the chair responds accordingly.
- I was informed that my handicapped aunt can steer the wheel chair by just thinking in her mind , the direction in which she has to go and the wheel chair moves following her thoughts .
- A really wonderful wheel-chair science has developed to help the handicapped.

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