- Palm announced the launch of the new Mojo SDK at the Web 2.0 Expo in SanFrancisco.
- The touch screen handset runs the web-centric operating system WebOS to help people organise and manage their online contacts and identities.
- WebOS will surely be a rival to the iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia's N97 and the Google G1phone.
- The release of the SDK is viewed as an important development in the life of a presmart phone.
- The Mojo SDK is the next major boon for next generation smart phones.
- The application displays data updates on a small bar at the bottom of the phone's screen.
- The WebOS includes software by MotionApps which will allow legacy Palm OS applications to run on the new software.
- The Mojo SDK used open sourced technologies to build applications
- The tools necessary to write for WebOS - HTML, CSS and Java - are the same as web developers use.
- Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7975834.stm

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