i bought a new samsung guru 1410. it is provided with 2GB MEMORY CARD. But the phone memory is only around 3000kb. the datas downloaded to the mobile is straightly saved into the phone memory first. so the datas or songs with big size than the phones memory can not be downloaded to the phone. if we try to download such songs, the phone will show that the memory is full. what should i do? i bought the phone only because there is the music player but now i'm so down because i can not here good songs which are of big size in my phone.

hey buddy there is no need to worry.......bcoz its very simple.....set memory of card of u as default after that everything will come in ur crd nt in ur phone memory ok.....!
lol, the older versions of the phone doesnt support bluetooth to memory card..
bt the new ones do support that feature... i hv both...
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