- Days are not far off that we will receive news papers, magazines and text books in e-format. Today we are already reading books in e-format on laprops and smart phones. But the size and the print are really eye straining.
- With the Dual screen E-Book readers, the print and the pictures on the screen just as they were on paper made books. The connected links can alxo be easily opened.
- The dual screen device called as eDGe is to be released in the month of February you can underline or highlight text, take notes and solve mathematical problems.
- Priced at $490 the eDGe opens like a book with pages facing each other. The e-reader has a 9.7 inches diagonal screen. The color touch screen on the LCD is 10.1 inches. The e-reader also comes with a virtual key board, audio recorder and a video camera.
- The device uses Google's Android system and hence other apps like work processing can be added.

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