- The scientists at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre have developed the night vision nightgoggles that helps the people in air ambulance services.
- This technology was already used in military operations and spy missions. The night vision goggles can enhance light by 10,000 times. The Vanderbilt's 3 life bases are already using this technology and the 4th base is likely to be trained by early 2010.
- The night vision goggles helps one to see a lit cigarette 10 miles away.
- The night vision goggles helps pilots and nurses in scene landing as it helps them to see trees, power lines, high terrains and other hazards on the ground.
- The night vision goggles works by absorbing the light from the moon,stars and other sources and is saved in a tube which helps to amplify the image on a phosphorus screen that is seen through the eye piece.
- The pilots and nurses need a 5 hour training programme in using the night vision goggles and the pilots need additional hours of training on the sky including take off, landing and emergency handling and transmission from night vision to normal vision.
- The night vision goggles resemble the binoculars and are mounted on the front of the helmet.
- The night vision goggles have a disadvantage of loss of peripheral vision as it is looking like between two tubes.

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