- The scientists have developed the world's first 3D bioprinter that will help bioengineers and doctors to generate human organs.
- The 3D bioprinter has been developed by Invertech and the first one has been delivered to the San Diego based firm Organovo.
- The 3D bioprinter is a breakthrough as it puovides for the first time a flexible technology for organizations working on construction of human tissues and organ replacements. It enables the placement of cells very accurately at the place the bioengineers need to place them.
- The 3D bioprinter can be used to grow tooth using epithelial and stromal tissues.
- The 3D bioprinter helps the scientists to construct a model of the organ they plan tomake by using laser brat print technology.
- With the 3D bioprinter, the construction of human organs cell by cell is no more a scientific fiction.
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